


The District budget shall be prepared annually from the best possible estimates that individual schools and District administrative staff can provide. Appropriate consolidation shall occur as the budget progresses through the various levels of review.

The District budget shall be developed in accordance with standards and criteria for fiscal accountability adopted by the State Board of Education. (Education Code 33129)

Before adopting the budget, the Governing Board shall hold a public hearing. The proposed budget shall be available for public inspection at least three (3) working days before this hearing. (Education Code 42103, 42127)

An agenda for this hearing shall be posted at least seventy-two (72) hours before the hearing and shall indicate the location where the budget may be inspected. (Education Code 42127)

Any District resident may appear at the public hearing and speak to the proposed budget or any item on the budget. The hearing may conclude when all residents who so desire have had the opportunity to be heard. (Education Code 42103) Sufficient time shall be allowed so that the budget can be adopted by July 1.

The Superintendent or designee shall file the adopted budget with the County Superintendent no later than five (5) days after adoption or by July 1, whichever occurs first. The budget and supporting data shall be maintained and made available for public review. (Education Code 42127)

No later than forty-five (45) days after the Governor signs the annual Budget Act, the Superintendent or designee shall make available for public review any necessary revisions in budgeted revenues and expenditures. (Education Code 42127)

If the County Superintendent disapproves the District's budget, the Board shall review and respond to his/her recommendations at a public meeting on or before September 8. (Education Code 42127)


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