District Records



The Superintendent or designee shall ensure that appropriate computer software is used to safeguard any data stored on computers, including computers connected to networks. To further prevent the damage or theft of data, computers and related equipment, he/she shall maintain complete and accurate inventories, specify user responsibilities for damages, and provide appropriate supervision in areas where computers are used.

Classification of Records

Before January 1, the Superintendent or designee shall review documents and papers originating during the prior school year and classify them as Class 1 (Permanent), Class 2 (Optional), or Class 3 (Disposable). Records of continuing nature (active and useful for administrative, legal, fiscal or other purposes over a period of years) shall not be classified until such usefulness has ceased. A student's cumulative record is a continuing record until the student ceases to be enrolled in the District. (5 CCR 16022)

Class 1 - Permanent Records (5 CCR 16023)

The original of each of the following records, or one (1) exact copy of it when the original is required by law to be filed with another agency, is a Class 1 (Permanent) Record and shall be retained indefinitely unless microfilmed in accordance with 5 CCR 16022:

  1. Annual Reports
    1. Official budget
    2. Financial reports of all funds, including cafeteria and student body funds
    3. Audit of all funds
    4. Average daily attendance, including Period 1 and Period 2 reports
    5. Other major annual reports, including:
      (1) Those containing information relating to property, activities, financial condition or transactions
      (2) Those declared by Governing Board minutes to be permanent
  2. Official Actions
    1. Minutes of the Board or Board committees, including the text of rules, regulations, policies or resolutions included by reference only
    2. The call for and the result of any elections called, conducted or canvassed by the Board
    3. Records transmitted by another agency pertaining to its action with respect to district reorganization
  3. Personnel Records
    1. Employees: All detailed records relating to employment, assignment, amounts and dates of service rendered, termination or dismissal of an employee in any position, sick leave record, rate of compensation, salaries or wages paid, deductions or withholdings made and the person or agency to whom such amounts were paid. In lieu of the detailed records, a complete proven summary payroll record for each employee containing the same data may be classified as Class 1 (Permanent), and the detailed records may then be classified as Class 3 (Disposable).

      Information of a derogatory nature as defined in Education Code 44031 shall be Class 1 (Permanent) only when the time for filing a grievance has passed or the document has been sustained by the grievance process.

    2. Students: The records of enrollment and scholarship for each student required by 5 CCR 432, and all records pertaining to any accident or injury involving a minor for which a claim for damages had been filed as required by law. This includes any related policy of liability insurance except that these records cease to be Class 1 (Permanent) one year after the claim has been settled or the statute of limitations has run.
  4. Property Records
    All detailed records relating to land, buildings, and equipment. In lieu of detailed records, a complete property ledger may be classified as Class 1 (Permanent). The detailed records may then be classified as Class 3 (Disposable) if the property ledger includes all fixed assets, an equipment inventory and, for each piece of property, the date of acquisition, name of previous owner, a legal description, the amount paid, and comparable data if the unit is disposed of.

Class 2 - Optional Records (5 CCR 16024)

Any record considered worth keeping, but which is not a Class 1 record, may be classified as Class 2 (Optional) and shall be retained until it is reclassified as Class 3 (Disposable). If by agreement of the Board and Superintendent or designee, classification of the prior year records has not been made before January 1, all records of the prior year may be classified Class 2 (Optional) until they are classified as required by 5 CCR 16022. Such classification must occur within one year.

Class 3 - Disposable Records (5 CCR 16025, 16026, 16027)

All records not classified as Class 1 (Permanent) or as Class 2 (Optional) shall be classified as Class 3 (Disposable). These include but are not limited to: detailed records basic to audit, including those relating to attendance, average daily attendance, or business or financial transactions; detailed records used in preparing another report; teachers’ registers if all information required by 5 CCR 432 is retained in other records or if the General Records pages are removed from the register and classified as Class 1 (Permanent); and periodic reports, including daily, weekly and monthly reports, bulletins and instructions.

Class 3 (Disposable) records shall be destroyed during the third school year after the later of the following:

  1. The completion of any legally required audit
  2. The retention period required by any agency other than the State of California
  3. The school year in which the records originated
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