Volunteer Responsibilities

There are many volunteer opportunities during school hours, after school, or during the weekend. Volunteer opportunities include assisting in the library, office, or classroom,or chaperoning at a field trip or dance. Volunteering and attending school events, school community meetings, and/or joining a committee are all ways to participate.

Volunteers are an important part of the educational team. The suggestions and opinions of volunteers are always welcome. It is the professional staff, however, that is held responsible by law for the decisions that are made regarding the instruction of students and the management of the school. For this reason, volunteers always work under the direct supervision of teachers and administrators.

Volunteer Guidelines:

  • Our schools have detailed discipline plans and the responsibility for discipline rests with the school staff. Volunteers may not discipline students. Please make the school staff aware of any discipline problems that might arise.
  • Only those employed by MJUSD may be on the playground with students. Parents/guardians assisting teachers for special activities (ex. Field Day) must be cleared by the office staff and wear a visible visitor’s badge.
  • Volunteers may use staff restrooms. Volunteers may not use student restrooms.
  • The use of your personal cell phone is prohibited in classrooms and while volunteering. You may not take pictures or video on campus without prior site administration permission.

In some cases, volunteers have access to sensitive student information. All student information should be treated confidentially. Sharing student information with others is not allowed and may be a violation of the law. Although the student is free to share confidential information with you, there are certain things that you are required by law to tell the school administrator. Any personal information learned from a student should be held in the strictest confidence except:

  • If a student confides that they are the victim of sexual, emotional, or physical abuse or neglect.
  • If a student confides that they are involved in any illegal activity.
  • If a student confides that they are considering homicide or suicide or want to hurt themselves or others.

In these cases, you are required by law to immediately notify the school administrator. Note on your calendar when this information was reported and to whom it was given. Remember, this information is extremely personal and capable of damaging lives, so do not share it with anyone except the appropriate authorities. Any needs the students may communicate to the volunteer should be referred to the appropriate District staff person and the school administrator will know who that is.

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